I am 18 years old, and I NEED to see this big, beautiful world that is around me. I have been to Africa for two weeks on a missions trip and that started a fire in my soul that needs to be put out! I can't marry, go to a 4 year college, or have kids UNTIL I do this. Ever since I was little I have had this urgent feeling to see the world around me. I want to travel Europe and go EVERYWHERE. I dont just want to see the tourist attractions... I want to meet the locals, go to the best little resturants no one knows about, and really gain a knowladge about the world around me. If I don't do this now, I will regret it forever. I would sleep on the ground and give up eating if only I could see other countries! I know I would learn SO much about life, and about myself... I can't not do this. I just got a new job at a bank that pays very well so I am starting to save up. My question for all you out there who have had this opportunity is this: Where did you travel to? What was the best part? What are your suggestions for an 18 year old girl traveling the world (I wouldn't be alone)? What should I expect to spend the most money on? The best hostels? Any local secrets? I want to know any and EVERYTHING that I can about this beautiful place God has made!
Help me! How should I save my money? Is a year too long to travel? Or too short? Six months? What?!
All I know is that I can not and will not settle down and feel fullfilled unless I do this. I HAVE to! And I'm going to!