What was your best memory in a foreign city and why was it so memorable?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What was your best memory in a foreign city and why was it so memorable?
65 answers:
2010-09-11 04:48:10 UTC
i moved to new york(from ireland) when i was 20. in my first couple of days i walked through central park and saw a group of about 40 people gathered to throw frisbee. Not only were they doing things with a frisbee i thought amazing but never in my wildest imagination had it occured to me that somewhere in the world a big group of people gathered to throw frisbee at a certain place on a certain night. I realised that i had seen very little and it really wet my appetite for travel and its still the small things like that that i see in a new city that excite me.
2010-09-15 11:23:23 UTC
I spent twenty years in the merchant navy, ive seen this done that, been here, been there.

Ive been on small ships, large ships, and even ferry boats. ive travelled the world. be-for i was twenty years old i had done four world cruse"s i started as a galley boy, and ended up as a first

class waiter, i started at ten pounds a month, and ended up at five hundred pounds PLUS a week.

HONG KONG was my best memory, the streets with there market stalls of all-sorts of food from around the world, the colour, the smells, the lovely people, the hassle and Bessel of people bartering

over what price to pay, and do you know you could get a suite made to measure, in one day and it was of a very high quality.
Libyan girl - revolutionist all the way
2010-09-14 13:03:42 UTC
I’d say Sabha, Libya.

I went to visit some family there and thought a trip to the middle of the desert would be so unique and interesting. Once I arrived there, the heat was already unbearable and I changed my mind and wanted to go back to cold England, but that was pretty much too late. The heat - ok so, I have to repeat the word ’heat’ because that word literally symbolises my holiday. It felt like going into a sauna, and I couldn’t breath for the first 5 minutes. But then looking around, the sun was so bright and illuminating, and that made a lovely contrast from the dark and misty weather I’d came from.

I went into a rented car with air conditioning and I thought ’well that’ll do’ until something tragic happened… the windows were so old and worn out that once I opened them I couldn’t close them. That meant that air conditioning wouldn’t do, I would have to survive in the mercy of Libya’s hot baking Southern sun - and that’s just the beginning!

As I went I can remember carrying a huge bottle of ice (not cold water) and I swear on the heavens and the earth that it turned into cold water in a period of just 2 minutes - that’s how hot it was. When I shook my hands to get some cold air it didn’t work, you had to bear the same temperature for the whole journey. So my only means of support was the shade of the car. As I drove along I saw strange things that don’t happen here like dodging mini sand tornadoes on the roads (like a James Bond movie) and people staring at you from different villages with different types of people. It was amazing to know that some villages still haven’t even evolved in allowing women education. I saw Egyptians in the middle of nowhere, literally nowhere, selling dates, and think to myself ’blimey how the Egyptians endure some of the world’s most unbearable conditions’.

Once I reached to my destination I found that my grandmother lived an extremely simple life. She was illiterate, a farmer, and a touching poet. Her house was more like a hot, just to keep the shade from the sun and you could see desert creatures crawling this way and that. It was so naturally and I enjoyed this totally different way. Think about it, no television, no internet, no washing machine, no air conditioning, no technology except for the stove and lighting yet she’s smiling and having a great life - how could this be???

At night time, the electricity went off, which might sound like a bad thing, but it was incredible, unbelievable, touching and unexplainable. I went out to get some light and the stars didn’t look like the stars in England! There were so many… it was like you were in space. There were no flies, there was just the deep sea blue sky and the millions of stars watching down on me. The air wasn’t hot anymore, it was mild and fair and a little breezy. It actually relaxed my brain, I actually think it would help people suffering depression and psychological stress!! Living in a simple life, forgetting the materialistic world of exams, emails, facebook, family problems, buying a new car, booking appointments, paying the bill…and just sitting there, on the sand of the Libyan Sahara just saying thank you for this beautiful nature.

When everybody went to sleep, I desperately needed the toilet, and when I opened the tap, there was just one drop of water. I was horrified, how on earth can I clean myself? I was desperate, and I was thirsty, and never was I in need of water in my life! I somehow managed to luckily find a big bowl of left water, and used that and was incredibly relieved.

Once I went back to England, the tap was pouring it like crazy and I thought to myself ‘it’s amazing how much we British don’t know the value of water’.

And by learning so much from this holiday about the value of how I live, I share with it my best memories.
2010-09-11 14:50:29 UTC
Not sure if it's the best memory, but it's one of the ones that has stuck in my mind ever since I became aware of it.

On my first trip to the USA I spent just under a week in New York. An incredible city, and I'd love to go back there, but the one thing that stands out was something I read on a display in the Museum of the Natural American, in Manhattan.

I was shocked to discover that some 20 million Native Americans were slaughtered by the European invaders as they claimed almost all of the land as their own.

It makes Hitler's Holocaust look like petty crime.

I can see why no-one in the USA shouts about this statistic, but it was their ancestors, not them, so I don't hold it against them.
2010-09-11 09:05:34 UTC was the best!when i went there i learned more about who i am and what i like and i felt happier unlike in the shithole i live in.i want to go again!it is a definate!
2010-09-11 16:36:08 UTC
walking from the train station and seeing the dominating mass dark figure of the Cologne Dom an rhein, or cathedral.. it is truly awe inspiring and massive & majestic, for hundreds of years it was the worlds tallest building & still cuts an imposing gothic figure today.
2010-09-09 17:10:23 UTC
let's see. so far its The Black Forest in Germany. beautiful place , enchanting , mystical, haunting, peaceful, I love the smell of that forest. I felt so enchanted there . like running naked in the forest and looking up at the trees, listening to the sounds of whispers . getting in tune with my inner self. that was the best so far of a foreign city . but I have not been to Ireland yet . by far I think its so much more rich in spirit.
2010-09-09 14:55:22 UTC
my family and i were sitting talking one night about goin to florida, ive loved everything disney since i was a small child (im 24 now)

i thought it was a great idea, how ever the family said we couldnt really afford it so i was bit upset. Then a few weeks later i came in and i had the surprise of my life when i was told the family had booked us to go, i wasnt told when we were going and just told to buy holidays clothes, then 3 months later when i was leaving work i went to the go through the car park and there was all my family standing with suitcases and mine!! i was so shocked i was crying, i had never flown before and i was so scared. we go to the airport where i was then told we were flying first class with all meals, drinks etc already paid for. on the plane i was treated like a VIP. it was amazing. 10 hours later we arrived in sanford airport where a limo was waiting for us, i couldnt believe it. we drove for a hour and pulled up to a huge villa in kissimmee, it was hug with pool games room 3 bathrooms and 6 bedrooms. it was amazing. next day we had a rental car delivered to our house and in two weeks we did all the disney parks, lots of shopping and plenty of eating out and stuff. it was the best time of my life!!! i will never forget those two weeks.
2010-09-09 06:59:13 UTC
In Marrakesh. We arrived at night and the following morning got a guide and went to the main square. It was incredible! The sights, so many people and animals, the different smells, the noise. It was so amazing. We returned at night and the whole scene was transformed and possibly even more impressive! We want to return there as soon as possible!
2010-09-11 09:46:21 UTC

I left my home city of Glasgow, Scotland last year to take part in a british government funded voluntary placement in the city of Kathmandu, Nepal. Living and growing up in a relatively quiet area of Glasgow did not prepare me for the noisy polluted city of Kathmandu. Stepping off the plane at Kathmandu Airport i remember seeing the mighty mountains of the himalayas peaking over the foothills surrounding Kathmandu. I got a real sense that i was about to enter into a different world and i that couldn't be further from the truth. Driving from the airport to my hotel in Thamel, the tourist district of the city is an experience i will never forget. The constant sound of cars beeping their horns while stuck in massive traffic jams, the plume of smoke from the exhausts rising up into the air mixed with the strong smell of incense burning in the hindu street temples. I remember streets lined with nepali people selling everything imaginable. The Nepali people wear very bright colours which just adds to the whole experience of Kathmandu. I remember looking up and seeing my first of many monkeys perched on a rooftop looking over the city. There were countless stray dogs mixed in with the monkeys, people,cars. Arriving at the hotel, my senses were in overload. I had never experienced anything like it. Walking to my hotel i came across countless street children huddled up sleeping on the dirty cold concrete pavement and other sadly inhaling glue and aerosol fumes. I also came across a disabled man with the worst deformed legs i had ever seen dragging himself along the pavement begging for money. This was the side of Kathmandu that made me extremely sad. I knew the city was the poorest in Asia, but nothing ever prepares you for when you actually see poverty with your own eyes.

Kathmandu also had a beautiful side. The many dirty rusting houses were mixed in with ancient majestic hindu and buddhist temples. Walking through Thamel, i remember again the smell of insense and spices with the sound of the nepali flute and singing bowl being offered to me from the countless street sellers.

The city for me was very spiritual and a place that will forever remain close to me. The things i saw during my visit to Kathmandu has changed the way i live and see the world, so much so that i have decided to pursue a career in helping combat poverty in Kathmandu and i hope to one day return and to start my own NGO to help the street children,homeless,disabled peoples and the people of Nepal to rise up and be part of the world.

Here are a few of my images from my time in Kathmandu
2016-04-21 06:14:37 UTC
Last year I went to Bali, Indonesia with my aunt, uncle and dad and it was amazing. I saw so many types of people, religion, ethnics and shops. While we were out and about, I actually saw a shop called The Magician's Society or something like that and wished I could've went inside :P It looked so mysterious and intriguing. But the best thing from the trip was our timing to go there. Apparently, just one day before we were supposed to go home, the Balinese people had a celebration called Hari Nyepi. It's a day where everyone on the island would stay indoors and pray and there weren't to be any disruptions of any kind. It was so amazing, it's as if time stopped because we couldn't hear any vehicles passing by our hotel or anyone speaking loudly and anything else that gave an indication of people being there. It was like a good type of isolation, I guess. And on the eve of the celebration, the Balinese people would hold a parade through a selected amount of streets and we were lucky that our hotel were very near one of it. It was held at night and from afar down the street, we could see torches blazing, held by children and adults and behind them, a group of people would hold up these paper statues resembling demons. There were so many sizes, types and colors. Some were so big that they even had to lift up the wires of the electric poles thing :P This parade would then end at a certain point where all of the statues would come together and they'd burn them, signifying the end of the bad. Everything seemed so spiritual and it was enjoyed by all, the tourists and also the natives. It made me think that although with so many traditions and beliefs, we are actually all the same :)
Abbie Donaldson
2010-09-21 16:00:29 UTC

Such an AMAZING and beautiful country. In particular, Mostar and surrounds.

Mostar still has so many memories of the wars in the 90's, such as bullet holes in buildings, and some that haven't been rebuilt yet. But the place is so full of character, and so beautiful. There is such a great vibe to the place, and everyone is so friendly!

I stayed at a backpackers that was more like your best friends house, which was run by a lovely lady called Majda. She made everyone feel like they were at home, and had another lady (perhaps family member?) cook breakfast everyday for us.

The best part though, was the tour that her brother, Bata organises. He i the craziest & most friendly tour host i've ever met!! He took us to the most amazing waterfalls I have ever seen. We swam under them, through them, climbed behind them and in caves, jumped off rocks, sat in natural jacuzzis and SO much more. He then took us to a few other places, including an old village that looks like it came straight from a fairytale. Seriously breathtaking. I cannot begin to explain it!

I sound a little like a salesperson I know, but it was THAT good. I cannot wait to go back again next year.... With a bigger memory card, and loads more time!

(If only I could attach pictures to this post......!)
2010-09-12 15:25:12 UTC
So the three of us packed and loaded up our three sports motorbikes and set off for Dover to catch the night ferry to Calais. At Dover it was raining and we were glad to get on board in the dry for a couple of hours. At Calais we left the ferry in brilliant sunshine for a fortnight's travel and camping to the South of France. My boyfriend and I and his mate made our way down to our first camp site. It was a bit tiring having to pitch the tents after riding for so many hours, especially in wet leathers. Oh well, we dried out and had a good nights sleep. We made our way down to The South Coast and the warm Med. Sea. This we took at a steady ride for about a week, camping at various sites on the way down, then we turned back for the following week. Again it was pouring with rain and we took a wrong turning off the main motorway and ended up in Paris. What a nightmare. Rain lashing down, riding on a cobbled road and not knowing where we were going. I'm sure most of the motorist didn't know where they were going either! Anyway, we stopped for a coffee and was offered a free meal which was wonderful. I didn't even see the Eiffel Tower nor the River Seinne. All I can remember of Paris was a bad smell and due to the fact that the cameras were well packed away in the dry, there are no photos of Paris. Not the best memory of a foreign city but certainly a remembered one.
Misty Blue
2010-09-13 16:25:47 UTC
We were in Rome doing the usual touristy things and having a great time when my son noticed a poster for a free open air reunion concert outside the Colliseum by none other than Simon & Gurfunkel with the Everly Brothers thrown in for good measure.That warm moonlit evening we made our way to the concert and under the biggest full moon I've ever seen we were treated to all the old favourites and they had lost none of their magic.The holiday had already been great but that evening was magical,the full moon the,the music,the wonderful atmosphere.Doesn't get any better.
2010-09-22 00:37:14 UTC
In the 70's, along with a few mates, I went on a fishing holiday to Athlone in the Midlands of Ireland.

The scenery was amazing, the digs were unbeatable, the fishing wonderful, the food was plentiful and tasty, the Guinness irresistible, the pipe tobacco was cheap, but the most exhilarating thing about Athlone was its people.

I've never felt so welcome in any other place I have visited.

Over the years I have tried to save up enough for a return visit, but now I've been made redundant through no fault of my own at 62 - I fear this will never take place.

But nothing can steal my memories.
2010-09-13 07:11:51 UTC
I have been lucky to travel quite often to some beautiful destinations but the city that sticks in my mind has to be Bangkok.

The city never sleeps and there is someone in every inch of the space doing something! It is so exciting! You can see the river, people on the roadside selling fruit, bags, drinks and all sorts of food delicacies. The cars and tuk tuks are just here there and everywhere as it is so busy 24/7. Even at 2 in the morning the city was very busy. My son felt safe going to the 7/11 for an ice-cream at 3 in the morning! he did get some funny looks from the shop keeper - ice-cream at 3 in the morning!

Bangkok has it all. beautiful temples, amazing places to eat and shop, the river to cruise on and markets selling amazing things. surrounding Bangkok you have the rest of Thailand to explore which is another adventure in itself.

The Thai people are the warmest friendliest people I have ever met and seem so proud of their King, Queen and country. There are sky scrapers lining the skyline as well as temples that are lit up against the night sky.

We took a sunset cruise on the river and it was stunning. We ate gorgeous food and watched the city of Bangkok's slowly slide by. Temples were beautiful.

I quickly fell in love with the charm of Thailand and Bangkok has a special place in my heart.
2010-09-15 12:49:50 UTC
St Petersburg was pretty amazing. You could spend years in the Hermitage museums without seeing everything; the churches and cathedrals had some amazing decorations and the Church on Spilled blood had some fabulous mosaics. The river and bridges were beautiful, especially lit up at night, and give a great view of different areas of the city. Their underground was great too, brass light fittings everywhere, marble floors, almost no sign of litter.

Some of the concrete Soviet tower blocks were pretty awful, but were gradually being replaced or refurbished.
2010-09-12 10:17:58 UTC
When I went to Phuket in Thailand to have a relaxing lazy beach holiday as I'd heard of the lovely white sandy beaches and bright blue waters, but I hired a mororcycle and toured all over Phuket visiting the temples and meeting the local people, the view from the big Bhudda near Karon Beach is incredible and I intend going back this year to visit the islands and maybe see some of them beaches this time lol
2016-12-20 08:58:34 UTC
One of many world's most lovely towns is St. Petersburg; find it with hotelbye . St. Petersburg has all the materials for an memorable vacation knowledge: large artwork, extravagant structure, wild nightlife, an extraordinary record and rich national traditions that have inspired and nurtured a number of the modern world's greatest literature, music, and visual art. From the mysterious twilight of the White Nights to world-beating opera and ballet shows on wonderful cold weather days, St. Petersburg charms and excites in every time therefore find this unique town as it will provide you with an wonderful vacation.
2010-09-22 23:35:51 UTC
Way back 2007 when I first landed in Beijing. I spent my little time in Great wall of China and that time it was the mid autumn day and that year is a preparation for the 2008 Olympics.

It's a perfect day and its a blessing and its a dream come true. Cos' when I was just a kid, I only saw it on books and never thought I could actually be there.
George M
2010-09-19 14:04:47 UTC
This question keeps coming up time after time.- I wonder why?

We are not really city lovers, but I can tell you which cities are my favourites of those we have visited.

San Diego, USA is really lovely - well planned and not overdone. The airport is right in the city, therefore no skyscrapers.

Denver is also rally nice, and the Rockies are very accessible, but I guess that is not the city. Being over 5000 feet above seal level if you enjoy a romantic encounter you could technically say that you qualify for the "mile high club".

Kuala Lumpur is a really interesting city, again very well planned with good parks and leisure areas. The architecture is very varied, as many of the businesses are foreign, and have brought their own national style to their buildings.

Singapore is also beautiful, very well organised for transportation and clean. Not much crime there as the punishment system - extreme maybe by our standards - really works.
2010-09-20 18:18:38 UTC
During my Private Villa stay in Bali Indonesia, my family and I organised some sort of daily schedule for us to do besides swimming and surfing to maximised little time we have in our vacation.

First day we satisfy our kids' craving for swimming, surfing and all other water fun they can do in beach or at the private swimming pool. My wife and I just took some massage to relieve the long trip before and some sun bathing together.

Second day, we use our vacation package's free round trip to the Bali Island to let my kids familiarised with the tropic island and all the distinct landmarks and interesting views only seen in a Buddhist country. Then the third day, we spent an early morning shopping for souvenirs then another last day swimming and diving in our villa place.
2010-09-24 04:17:51 UTC
my last travel was in Spain (sorry for my errors I'm an italian student, i try to write in english).... according to me this travel was memorable for the spanish atmosphere is very beautiful and different by italy and my city Palermo. The people are nice, and when they understand that you are foreign they are more disponible to help you, also the food is diffrent by my city and the tipical food is very savory such as "tortillas". This country is vivacious above all on the evening the Spaniards call this kind of vivacity "movida" because you can found the "artist of way"
obama's Child
2010-09-10 21:01:27 UTC
I Came to Toronto back in the early 70's

I got a small Apt. and was happy but the night I was moving in

I could not find the address or the place It is funny now but was a scary

episode on that cold October night.
2010-09-16 01:37:18 UTC
Salzburg Austria is my best memory in a foreign city. Salzburg is really amazing and beautiful city in Austria. Salzburg is fourth largest city in the wonderful Austria. Most popular tourist attractions are available in Salzburg, like The Salzburg Cathedral, Hohensalzburg Castle, St. Peter cemetery, Nonnberg Abbey, Palace of Mirabell, Getreidegasse, Salzburg Zoo and much more. I just love Salzburg city.
2010-09-22 13:56:23 UTC
Hamlyn, in Germany. My family and I went there a two years ago and we had a tour of centre by the Pied Piper, who led us half dancing and playing an oboe while doing his tour. It was memorable because of the look on my daughter's face, who was six at the time, who couldn't believe this was happening (in her opinion, this was better than Disneyland Paris!)! Also, the jealous looks of the people watching us!
Emma C
2010-09-20 23:42:28 UTC
urm probably in Agra, India. I wasn't expecting too much from the Taj Mahal I thought after seeing so many photos it would be a let down but it was still absolutelyy breath taking. amazing place. I've actually been back twice since then!
Siobhan W
2010-09-09 14:28:23 UTC
In 2005, when I was 13 (my birthday hadn't come yet) I finally went to Florida!! We went to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Island of Adventure and Sea World, but the one moment I remember that I loved so much, was we on our way to the Kennedy Space Centre on Cape Canaveral, and we were cruising along down that long road while I was listening to Mary Mary's 'I Got It' on my CD player (yeah, I know!!). And I just remember a feeling of peace and calmness and just utter joy that, I was in America, jamming to my favourite song and on my way to the most famous 'Space Base' in the world!! Even now, just thinking about it I feel happy!!
2010-09-21 10:16:24 UTC
Galway, Ireland or Wexford Ireland, or Cork, Ireland. It was so beautiful and I had never been somewhere so green before. I loved that everywhere you went was basically the countryside. Horseback riding through the fields and forests and the smell of fresh air. Nothing has ever been comparable to that kind of pure beauty. I want to go back and live there.
2016-02-20 10:42:59 UTC
Kathmandu also had a beautiful side. The many dirty rusting houses were mixed in with ancient majestic hindu and buddhist temples. Walking through Thamel, i remember again the smell of insense and spices with the sound of the nepali flute and singing bowl being offered to me from the countless street sellers.
Part Time Cynic
2010-09-13 09:34:22 UTC
London in the 80's. I was a despatch rider, there was lots of work, I saw much that I would never had would it not have been for the job. And there was no congestion charge or even red lines in those days :-)
2010-09-10 03:38:29 UTC
My Last Holiday Was In Spain, Benidorm, For 7 Nights And It Was Mine And My Girlfriends First Holiday Together And I Wouldn't Change It For The World It Was Just Amazing
2010-09-20 05:47:56 UTC
Hong Kong for sure, the only place in Asia that is foreigner-friendly, easy to get by, full of everything and best of all permits freedom of expression/press/to protest.
Max Lawless
2010-09-14 05:33:09 UTC
Going to Bora Bora, Ibiza on a Wednesday afternoon and waking up in San Antonio, face down, on the beach on Friday evening with no recall how I got there. Thankfully, two nice young girls shared their beer with me and then gave me a bottle of Vodka. Another night of partying in San Antonio and I woke up the next day in Es Cana, near, but not in my apartment. Awesome. That's Ibiza for you.
2010-09-23 13:42:17 UTC
One of my best memories was my trip to Liverpool. I am a huge Beatles fan and getting to just stand and see the Strawberry Field gate was so magical.
2010-09-15 14:37:34 UTC
My first time with my truck driving trainer James from Detroit in 1995 going to Las vegas from Salt lake city, I remember it was a very dark night and I was very nervous driving an 18 wheelers Peterbilt in the rain and suddenly it was like a Diamond sparkling in the middle of nowhere and I screamed:"what the heck is that" waking up James from his sleep saying to me in an sleepy voice:"Welcome to Las vegas partner".

PS: Thank you James and Thanks to CRST Cedar rapid (Iowa). Love from Oran (Algeria).
Put A Cap On It
2010-09-18 13:01:56 UTC
Barbados is the most magnificent place I have ever visited. Upon arrival at the airport we were greeted by the most spectacular arial seen I have ever beheld. The ocean from the sky is crystal ,clear and baby blue. The airport is clean and large and the people their are very friendly.We stayed at a very nice gated condominium, named Carmens Barbados Condominiums (, Public transportation is just outside the gates. The rate there are very affordable ranging fron $60 to $250 USD for a three bedroom condo (Kitchenette). The manager is a nice West Indian lady name,Theresa. She provided us with a map of the Island and directions to where we needed to go. There is a white sand beach within walking distance, called Brandons beach. when you exit Carmen's Condominiums and turn to your right, and walk about 10 to 15 minutes down the street( Fairfiled Main road) you cross black Rock main road and walk a few more minutes, You will walk onto Brandon ocean front, which in my opinion is the most magnificent sight to ever grace this earth. Where you can roam the white sandy beaches of Brandons on horse back. At a short distance away you can sail the Caribbean Sea on jet skis, water skis, or enjoy para sailing. Explore the depths of Barbados ocean within the glass bottom boat of the Atlantis submarine and by scuba diving with exotic tropical fish and turtles.

Carmen's Condominiums is also located within close distance of most of Barbados other major attractions. With approminately 15 minutes from the fabled Paradise Beach and Spring Garden Highway. Supermarkets,wholesale shopping clubs, Pubs, Restaurants, Banks, Gas Stations and Tennis Courts also surround this neighborhood. Carmen's is approximately 15 minutes via public transport to the US embassy or 10 minutes by taxi. Capital City Bridgetown is 10 minutes ,Sandy Lane Championship Golf Course is 15 minuted and Kensington oval ( for cricket etc) is 5 minutes away from Carmen's condominiums. Enjoy Bajan art & culture at Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination is within walking distance. Other attractions are also within a close distance.

Concierge will be happy to make bookings for your activities. they can be reached at
2010-09-12 04:54:36 UTC

I was there with my friends and we had such a great time, the city is so beautiful, the shopping was great and the atmosphere was great. I would definitely return to one of my favourite cities in the whole world!

Oh and there definitely wasn't that bad smell everyone talks about.
2010-09-19 09:06:30 UTC
I would love to share this memory with you all. We had just completed a short but very lovely stay in Singapore and were on the way to Changi Airport in a taxi. The driver was a very pleasant man who went out of his way to show us interesting parts of his home city. Ten minutes after we arrived at the airport my wife realised that she had left here handbag on the floor of the taxi. Imagine the panic. We cancelled the credit cards and in our minds we gave up for lost the money and everything else in the bag. Imagine our amazement when 2 hours later we received a call over the speaker system for us to call at a certain desk. We duly reported to the desk only to find out taxi driver complete with handbag and contents. When he saw us he apologised for not having noticed the bag earlier, (he only noticed it when he got home) and was pleased that we had not yet flown out. He had driven about ten miles to the airport in the hope to reunite us with our lost item, and would have to drive another ten miles back to his home. Not only was he apologetic for the delay, but he would not take payment of the fare for the 20 mile journey. All he would say was that our loss had given him the opportunity to do a deed which gave him great pleasure. It is difficult to describe how we felt, but it certainly made us realise that there are so many good people in this modern world.
i'm nice guy
2010-09-10 10:37:04 UTC

Everything about the architecture does it for me in that city. Antonio Gaudi was one talented guy, and leaving the Sagrada Familia unfinished adds that final piece of mysterious beauty.
2010-09-17 16:22:58 UTC
my favorite was honolulu hawaii. as a sea and animal lover, i heard that sea turtles were at a certain snorkling spot that we could go too. so when we first went i saw really cool fish and squid, but no turtle. i then went again, two days later and i finally saw what i was looking for, a sea turtle!
2010-09-15 16:15:16 UTC

The beautiful Ice sculptures were so amazing and the wind and ice was so cold we had to wear sunglasses . :D

We visited their houses of parliament , very clean , very regal , not stuffy or boring , there were some really interesting and funny stories.

Niagara is also very magnificent , breathtaking when you walk through the 'park' doors and suddenly there's TONS of water thundering down thousands of feet below you as you lean over the wall .
2010-09-14 12:46:40 UTC
Each to his own, I thought Niagara Falls had little to offer other than the falls. I would opt for Istanbul, history, busy bazaars etc, or Cairo - for the Pyramids.
2010-09-23 04:16:43 UTC
Las Vegas- The first very time I went was with my friend Craig and we got together and have been together ever since (it was almost 4 years now) and we are now planning our next vegas holiday
2010-09-20 11:12:18 UTC
I like it on the moon i went with my perfectly good looking mother and my ugly friends cousins dads dogs dad. We enjoyed our selves so much we have to go again tomorrow, see you on the moon guys. BYE

uisdf hyhdvjhefvujtbithj
2010-09-20 05:34:00 UTC
Hong Kong, the Pearl of the Orient! Its stunning Victoria Harbour and The Peak have just been rated as Asia's No.1 skyline by a Japanese TV Station. A CNN poll also confirmed that Hong Kong is a must-visit in Asia.

HK has rich culture and history with a perfect blend of the west and the east. Walk up the world's longest Escalator which begins from Central District and goes all the way up to the Mid-Levels. Along the Escalator you'll come across the early English settlement near Aberdeen Street, you'll also pass by Soho, South of Hollywood Rd which gives a very unique bar and restaurant street. Hollywood Rd is also the famous antique street where genuine Chinese antiques are sold.

If you like green, sea and nature, and are not in a rush in going to places visiting one of the outlying islands ie the Silvermine Bay of Lantau Island is quite relax and gives a completely different impression of Hong Kong than the one often see in pictures. Simply catch a ferry from the Central Pier right outside IFC Building. The ferry trip takes about 30 minutes, a very relaxed ride in the midst of a hustling bustling city.

Another beautiful scenic area is Sai Kung District, there's a Seafood Street where you can handpick life seafood, have the restaurant cook them any way you like and enjoy it in front of the sea. There're many beautiful mountain trails in Hong Kong, there's one that goes all the way down to Aberdeen from the Peak. It'll take more than an hour to walk down. In Aberdeen, (you could also take a bus in Central, Causeway Bay or Wanchai Districts to get there), lies the Chinese boat restaurant "JUMBO" in the middle sea is awesome.

HK is renowned as the world's shopping and dining paradise. You can eat like a billionaires, in the same token there're many affordable places with unbelievable prices. HK has the cheapest McDonald's prices on earth. A Cantonese wonton noodle soup is only around HK$15. A popular Chinese fast food chain all over the city, the De Coral Fast Food, with set meals under HK$30.

Buying brand names is popular in HK since the City boasts the only zero sales tax nor import tariffs in Asia, brand names are often 10% - 50% cheaper than anywhere else in the world. Street vendors or flea markets is another interesting shopping paradise, they have all sorts of products selling at knockoff prices, eg the Ladies Street, the evening Temple Street vendors in Kowloon side, Stanley Market in HK side etc. Small street shops in Mongkok and Causeway Bay Districts may give you surprises too. There're also many street vendors located in inner side streets of Central District, Wan Chai District, near Johnston Road and Causeway Bay District that sell genuine factory exports "left-overs" at around US$5 for a branded T-shirt. Most prices in HK are fixed, you may be able to bargain a few $ though in small shops and street vendors. You will hardly find any fakes or copies in HK as the law enforcement is rather strict.

Everywhere in Hong Kong is well connected by its efficient and timely public transportation system, the MTR, big and mini buses. Cost is from under US$1 - $2 per ride. It's easiest to travel by MTR which runs pass all the central shopping and business districts, then either connect to a bus or walk to your destination. Separate fares are charged for each ride. Star Ferry that crosses the Victoria Harbour, and the Island Tram that runs from the East (Shaukeiwan District) to the West (Kennedy Town) of the HK Island are only HK$2 per ride which is a must for tourists. If you like exploring on your own, simply follow the map, people on the streets always happy to offer directions. HK is one of the most foreigner-friendly cities on earth, plus lots of fun and excitement, visitors often find the place the most vibrant, exciting city that never sleeps, even when you get bored at 3 AM, you could go and have a drink in the bar or even have a delicious late snack. Convenience Stores are located in almost every corner of the main streets and are opened around the clock. The best of all, HK is extremely easy to get around being supported by affordable and well connected public transportation. Hongkongers are very responsive, efficient and persistent in their work that make shopping, dining or doing business a very wonderful experience. You'll also notice that the people will automatically stand by the side when walking up and down the stairs and escalators, not blocking those behind, which many Asian places are now following suit.

In brief, Hong Kong is a fun place to be in, there's always so much happenings around 24/7, beautiful nature, great friendly people. Check and enjoy!
2010-09-22 10:14:51 UTC
I went to Venice with a friend for a week, on the third day she got constipated and we had to go to the hospital!

When we got there the doctor who was helping her was GORGEOUS!! I nearly burst out laughing when she had to tell him she was constipated and he said he would have to take her temperature RECTALLY!!!

Obviously he was joking! but my friend was so embarrassed she went really red so he asked her, do you have a rash on your face or are you blushing!!!

LOL! OMG i nearly wet myself laughing!
2010-09-08 12:02:16 UTC
I stayed in Florence, Italy for 3 months. Sharing a flat with big Luis from Venezuela and two girls from Greece! Saw the Duomo, Leonardo's house, the Ponte Vechio, the Palazzo Signoria, the Medici Palace, Roman arches and fortifications, the Fortezza da Basso, etc, etc,

I saw all the bits and pieces that the tourists miss. Unfortunately, I ran out of money and was reduced to eating fried onions with pasta towards the end! I was propositioned by a transvestite prostitute (I politely declined!). Everyone assumed I was German, which I'm NOT!

I had a voluntary job in a Youth Centre where I met someone from Iraq, Argentina, etc, in fact almost from everywhere that Britain has gone to war with! I got bored there and they didn't really know what to do with me, so I eventually ended up killing time in the British Institute in Florence. There was a talk there by some fancy photographer who was showing off about all the times he photographed Salvador Dali. Anyway, he made a joke about Scotland so I went off him after that!

I got bitten by mosquitoes!
2010-09-10 23:55:45 UTC
my best memory was to cuize star libra from bombay to international sea, it was owsome , when you find blue sky, with stars and blue water, and you sat on the top of ship with all luxury, near the swiming pool, i love their casino,sea food it was really memorable moment for my life.
2010-09-09 10:54:08 UTC
I went to Majorca in Spain when I was 6 years old and I remember it perfectly. I went with my aunt and uncle and my two cousins. My oldest cousin was assigned the job of looking after me. She wasn't best pleased as she wanted to be sunbathing but she agreed. She took me to the beach and told me to go and build a sandcastle or something.

She fell asleep so I decided to build one on top of her. She was a very heavy sleeper and she didn't even notice. By the time she woke up, she was completely covered in sand except for her head. She got quite mad after that but I remember making my puppy dog face and she forgave me right away.

I also remember my uncle diving in the swimming pool and turning purple because the water was so cold. He had expected it to be hot because the weather was so warm but he couldn't have been more wrong! I think the most hilarious part was when my uncle discovered he couldn't actually speak Spanish and spent 2 hours trying to order lunch!
2010-09-23 13:10:07 UTC
when i was walking along side some fit guys when my friend pinged my bikkini back it snaped and the guys ad a eye full.
English Angel
2010-09-12 10:05:51 UTC
In Munich.. I lived there for 2 years recently... I'll never forget my time there.. wanna go back!
2010-09-22 09:21:24 UTC
when i was in assisi one and a half years ago...i really liked it was so silent and calm...i was there with about 15 other people and we had lots of fun...i've been to rome this year but it was too hot...
French Ingrid
2010-09-23 14:13:23 UTC
my best trip was in Glasgow and Ayr, I staid there with a scottish friend for 1 week and it was wonderfull...... and I cam back in France with a scott accent lol
2010-09-17 02:57:03 UTC
Copenhagan - went with boyfriend. Brilliant fun. Went to Tivoli Gardens etc, lovely place. And he made me *** for the first time.
2010-09-17 02:38:07 UTC
I am italian and I love live in London there is a place for everybody it is my adopt country.
♂André ♥ Pascal♂
2010-09-18 23:55:43 UTC
I was in th ebotanical garden in Berlin and I met the guy I love for one year now.
2010-09-22 09:58:28 UTC
This summer I have spent in Norway on bike tour. You can read about my tour
2010-09-09 05:30:55 UTC
When I went to France in April! What a fantastic trip!
Jack Mitchell
2010-09-22 12:12:13 UTC
melbourne.although got told where to go or what to see the thing that I remember was the Sky-Wrighting
2010-09-20 12:32:31 UTC
oklahoma. i guy took me to the red barn.the most beautiful woman in the world
Ʈђі§ʈƖє™ ❤ First Ascent
2010-09-08 10:05:11 UTC
Italy, I wasn't impress when I landed but on the way to Rome.....phoar it was so lovely. The only thing I love Rome is I feel relaxed even with the traffic and I've seen the Pope obviously.

It was so magical....well to me anyway.
2010-09-21 18:11:54 UTC
Afghanistan and pakistan

try to go there
missy k
2010-09-09 05:23:00 UTC
Niagara falls,Canada. It is so beautiful and I was proposed to on the maid of the mist.The best day of my life so far.
Muhammad Ashiq
2010-09-10 21:03:58 UTC
i want to go england i am very honest man i blong to poor family it is my childhood wish to go england i am ready to go england of any way plz help me i am student of greaduation

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.